Every year, Florida Supervisors of Elections award three $1,200 scholarships to students studying political science, business administration, public administration or journalism/mass communications. Eligible students must have finished two years of junior college or undergraduate work (enough credits for enrollment as a junior). Applicants must be enrolled or accepted as full-time students in a college or university in Florida. No post-graduate or second-degree students.
The 2024 scholarship application is due by March 8, 2024.
Wakulla County applicants can email scanned copies of their completed application materials to [email protected] , drop the application by our office located at 3115-B Crawfordville Hwy, Crawfordville, or mail their application to PO BOX 305, Crawfordville, FL 32326.
Applications must be received by the Supervisor of Elections of the coutny in which you are registered.